Budismo Portugal Files

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Roundtable Dialogue
"Balancing Educating the Mind with Educating the Heart"

A Roundtable Dialogue on the theme “Balancing Educating the Mind with Educating the Heart,” was held at the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, on Tuesday, April 20, 2004. The event was jointly sponsored by UBC and SFU. His Holiness was joined in this extraordinary afternoon of discussion by Dr. Jo-ann Archibald, Professor Shirin Ebadi, Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, with Bishop Michael Ingham as moderator. The Roundtable luminaries examined the topic in the light of their diverse experiences with peace and reconciliation, emerging democracies, environmental stewardship and struggles for social justice. High School and university students won the opportunity to ask questions of the luminaries on behalf of the audience. Hundreds of students entered the competition, which focused on various aspects of what it means to balance educating the mind with educating the heart. More than a hundred student runner-ups were invited to attend the Roundtable Dialogue simulcast at SFU’s Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue. The University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University will host follow-up events next year, to expand on the ideas discussed and to deepen their inspirational impact within Vancouver communities.

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